Whether it is for Spring Break, business meetings, or visits with friends and families, we all travel. And whether it is by plane, bus, train, RV, or car, we all have to coordinate the many details to make the trip as successful and enjoyable as possible. Many people look at travel with enthusiasm and a sense of adventure, while some dread the rearrangement of hundreds of particulars and leaving their familiar surroundings. Whichever category you fall into, aromatherapy should be a part of your packing list.
Bringing the Familiar with You
Being away from home can be unsettling, especially for infants and children. Now you can bring a bit of home with you. Make up a room spray that you spray in your child’s room every night for at least three weeks before the trip. Let that be their magic spray that whisks them into dreamland. Then, simply make up a small batch for the trip and spray the hotel room, tent, or guestroom to give the child the sense of familiarity.
Much research has been done recently about the importance of smell as it pertains to an individual’s wellbeing. Smell is able to conjure up the entire experience that was associated with a particular scent. So in this case, their nice snuggly bed, hugging sleep toy, and soft sheets will all be a part of the experience they will recall just by smelling the blend that is familiar to them.
Be sure to use the blend for at least 3 weeks before your travels, as that is the time that a pattern is created. This will ensure that whether near or far from home, you always have a little bit of home with you.
My suggestion for such a blend would be to create a blend that has calming, soothing properties. Therefore, into one cup of water, place 5 drops of Orange, 8 drops of Lavender, and 3 drops of Chamomile. Put into a spray bottle and spray your home.
For Adults
Just because we are older, doesn’t mean that we don’t need that comforting feeling when we travel. So super strength your blend. Into one cup of water, place 6 drops EACH of Orange and Clary Sage, 8 drops of Lavender, and 2 drops of Cedarwood. Put into a spray bottle; and spray this blend in your room to relax and unwind.
As the responsible individuals in the party, you also want to make sure that the new environment into which you are bringing your family is healthy and safe. Your “must have” travel product is a germ-free spray. You can use this to spray the beds, lavatories, showers, air conditioning unit, and any other surface that you feel might need some germ busting power.
Into one cup of water, place 6 drops EACH of Lavender and Eucalyptus, 8 drops of Lemon, and 2 drops of Tea Tree. Put into a spray bottle; this blend is wonderful for cleaning and disinfecting.
First Aid Kit
Don’t leave home without it. Let’s get your kit together for any travel plans. So far in the kit, you have the germ free spray, a blend to help your children feel comforted so they can sleep, as well as a sleep aid for you.
Bring along a small bottle into which you have placed 1 tablespoon witch hazel, 8 drops of Lavender, 3 drops of Tea Tree, and 2 drops of Geranium. Use this blend to disinfect and sooth the skin if someone gets a cut, scrape, or insect bite.
In case you overextend your muscles, make a small batch of muscle pain relief. Into 2 ounces of base lotion, add 10 drops of Eucalyptus, 6 drops of Peppermint, 8 drops of Rosemary, and 10 drops of Lavender. Apply to the affected area several times to reduce pain.
Traveling can sometimes make you feel tired and wilted. To keep yourself and your environment fresh, into one cup of water, place 5 drops EACH of Grapefruit, Rosemary, Lemon, and Bergamot. Put into a spray bottle and spray yourself and the area.