Showing 25–36 of 69 results

Day/Night Sweats
You don't have to carry a change of clothes or deodorant everywhere you go; get fast relief with this soothing spray.
Size: 4 oz.
Ingredients: Lime, Grapefruit, Sage, Thyme

Try a natural alternative to antidepressants and receive the benefits without the side effects.
Size: 4 oz.
Ingredients: Geranium, Lavender, Bergamot

Diaper Rash
Keep synthetic chemicals away from your infant AND avoid diaper rash. This blend includes natural antibacterial, anti-fungal and antiseptic essential oils.
Size: 2 oz.
Ingredients: Lavender, Yarrow

Ear Ache
Why do ear aches always seem to happen in the middle of the night? Provide relief from the pain while treating the cause.
Size: 12 drops
Ingredients: Tea Tree, Thyme, Lavender
NOTE: Use as directed; never put essential oils into the ear canal.

Energizing Blend
Too tired to lift a finger? This blend will help your concentration and lift your spirits.
Size: 4 oz.
Ingredients: Peppermint, Lemon, Rosemary, Lavender

Extra Dry Skin
Tied for 1st place, this blend contains fabulous moisturizing benefits that you will notice immediately. A “must have” for young, old, male and female.
Size: 2 oz.
Ingredients: Lavender, Chamomile, Geranium, Peppermint

Fibromyalgia (Lotion)
If your fibromyalgia pain is localized, use the lotion to focus on affected areas.
Size: 4 oz.
Ingredients: Helichrysum, Ravensara, Spruce, Lavender

Fibromyalgia (Spray)
Use these blends to help relieve the pain associated with this nerve-ending disorder.
For general pain all over your body, opt for the spray.
Size: 4 oz.
Ingredients: Helichrysum, Ravensara, Spruce, Lavender

Four 15-minute Email/Phone Consultations
Get insights from an internationally trained aromatherapist.
Four 15-minute Email/Phone Consultations

Germ Free Spray
With good food, plenty of rest, exercise, and a daily dose of Germ Free Spray my daughter did not miss one day of elementary school due to illness.
Size: 4 oz.
Ingredients: Eucalyptus, Lavender, Tea Tree, Lemon

Healthy Home
Keep your home clean and family safe – just as effective without harsh chemicals.
– 66 drops of house cleaner concentrate (makes 3 quarts)
– 2 oz. cuts & scrapes lotion
– 2 oz. germ-free spray

This blend relieves pain and burning while reducing inflammation.
Size: 2 oz.
Ingredients: Helichrysum, Geranium, Cypress