Face & Skin Products
Showing all 9 results

30-Something Face Moisturizer
Help keep environmental pollutants and emotional stressors from showing up on your face.
Size: 2 oz.
Ingredients: Yarrow, Palma Rosa, Clary Sage, Fennel, Carrot, Rose, Patchouli

39-Forever Face Moisturizer
Keep them guessing – with this blend you can stay 39 Forever.
Size: 2 oz.
Ingredients: Lavender, Frankincense, Fennel, Carrot, Lemon, Rosemary, Neroli

It's unsightly, uncomfortable and downright embarrassing. Now you can use a natural product that works quickly and safely.
Size: 30 drops
Ingredients: Lavender, Tea Tree, Lemon

Beard Booster
To enhance a new beards or the beard you've sported for years, this blend strengthens hair follicles and gives a clean and vibrant appearance.
Size: 4 oz.
Ingredients: Rosemary, Thyme, Lemon, Lavender

Extra Dry Skin
Tied for 1st place, this blend contains fabulous moisturizing benefits that you will notice immediately. A “must have” for young, old, male and female.
Size: 2 oz.
Ingredients: Lavender, Chamomile, Geranium, Peppermint

I’ll Never Tell Face Moisturizer
Combine the beauty of your maturity with the beauty of enriched skin.
Size: 2 oz.
Ingredients: Carrot, Rosewood, Violet Leaf, Galbanum, Neroli, Rose, Lavender, Myrrh

Rosacea Blend
Use this blend for at least 6 weeks and notice a significant reduction in redness, puffiness and blotches.
Size: 2 oz.
Ingredients: Chamomile German, Parsley, Carrot, Geranium, Lavender

Shaving Soother
Whether it's your face, underarms or more sensitive areas, don't let shaving damage your skin.
Size: 4 oz.
Ingredients: Chamomile, Geranium, Lavender, Lemon

Teens and 20s Face Moisturizer
The road to smooth, attractive skin starts early.
Size: 2 oz.
Ingredients: Geranium, Lavender, Fennel, Chamomile, Carrot