A Spritz of Relief

In this article we are featuring an insect repellent, sunburn soother, and stress reliever. Insect Repellent During the Spring and Summer, many of us love to camp, hike, work in our gardens, play tennis, swim, and enjoy other outdoor activities. … Continued

Aromatherapy for Spring

Hallelujah – it’s Spring time and after the winter we’ve had we need to have some fresh air, warm breezes, sunny skies, and some fun. This article is going to offer suggestions for brightening your days until Daylight Savings time … Continued

Sick of Being Sick

You’ve heard it all before – an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Well, for many of us who are trying diligently to maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating good foods, drinking lots of water, getting regular … Continued