Beat the Heat with Aromatherapy

In just about any part of the United States, summer temperatures range from nice and warm to unbearably hot. Even though the heat and humidity make you feel that you want to slow down, sit under a tree with a cool breeze coming in off the lake, life doesn’t always allow us that luxury. We still have jobs to perform, children to care for, carpools to drive, and groceries to buy. If your busy schedule doesn’t allow you to stop and rejuvenate your body, mind, and sprit, essential oils can help.

Freshen Your Spirits
Make up a body splash and carry it with you through the hazy crazy days of summer. The body splash blends in this article are made using one cup of water. I usually make up the full batch and then find some 2-ounce spray bottles into which I pour some of the blend so that I can carry it with me wherever I go. These blends can also be used as room sprays and are especially nice when you travel because you can bring a little of the comforts of home with you.

Into one cup of water, add 12 drops of Lemon, 8 drops of Rosemary, and 4 drops of Peppermint. Place into a spray bottle and spritz (3 – 5 squirts) on your arms, legs, and neck during the day to keep you feeling invigorated and focused. This is a great blend for meeting aggressive deadlines.

Into one cup of water, add 12 drops of Lavender, 6 drops of Chamomile, and 4 drops of Geranium. Place into a spray bottle and spritz (3 – 5 squirts) on your legs, feet, and neck after the end of a long day to calm and soothe. This is a great blend to use after hot sweaty days in the sun.

Frisky and Playful
Into one cup of water, add 12 drops of Lemon, 10 drops of Grapefruit, and 6 drops of Orange. Spray as needed throughout the day to keep a lighthearted and lively attitude.

Freshen Your Mind and Body
The idea of taking a bath on a roasting hot day seems unbelievable, but you can benefit greatly from a nice tepid bath. Fill the tub with lukewarm water and add the following oils to achieve the results you want.

Add 12 drops of Bergamot, 8 drops of Rosemary, and 4 drops of Lemon. If you’ve got an important business dinner or need to focus on packing for that long awaited summer vacation, use this blend in your bath to awaken your concentration.

Add 12 drops of Lavender, 6 drops of Chamomile, and 4 drops of Patchouli. This blend will allow you to surrender the chaos of the day and help you unwind. These oils are also excellent to moisturize your skin.

Frisky and Playful
Add 8 drops of Lemongrass, 6 drops of Rosemary, and 6 drops of Orange. Take this bath prior to going out for the evening to a concert, jazz club, or amusement park.

Sizzling Summer Nights
If you’ve got a wild romantic evening or weekend planned, essential oils can enliven your mood and help set the stage for a tantalizing experience.

Just for Him
Into one cup of water, add 12 drops of Cedar, 8 drops of Lime, and 4 drops of Frankincense. Place into a spray bottle and spritz (3 – 5 squirts) on your arms, torso, and neck.

Just for Her
Into one cup of water, add 12 drops of Ylang Ylang, 6 drops of Jasmine, and 4 drops of Sandalwood. Place into a spray bottle and spritz (3 – 5 squirts) on your arms, torso, and neck.

Sensual Baths
If you would prefer to take a bath using either of these blends, reduce the number of oils by half.

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